Fate Or Coincidence: Erotic seduction old and young
After moving back to Daventry where Dean 38 was born, he set up his own very successful prestige cars sales showroom. Currently living alone and dating Liz 34 his current girlfriend. Quite well off financially, Dean also owned eight houses that were being rented out and lived in a five bedroomed, executive style detached house with an indoor pool and a couple of acres of grounds.
Enter Zoe 18 who answered an advertisement for a receptionist position at Deans Prestige Car sales showroom. Zoe has problems at home with her mothers boyfriend coming in her room at night, so Dean offers her a safe room at his house. However, Dean’s girlfriend Liz becomes really jealous and accuses Dean of sleeping with Zoe. Zoe had also watched them making love through a crack in the door and when Dean told Liz to stop being so noisy, she lost it and stormed into Zoe’s bedroom and a cat fight ensued.
Dean then flies Zoe down to Cannes in a helicopter where he is picking up his new motor yacht Dream Weaver and after hitting it off and making love with Zoe, he asks her to marry him.
Lots of fun and games until they sail back to the UK and Dean eventually meets Zoe’s mother and all hell breaks loose.
Table of Contents
Chapter One – How it all began
Chapter Two – Zoe moves in
Chapter Three – The law of attraction
Chapter Four – Liz and the swingers party
Chapter Five – Liz loses control
Chapter Six – Cannes
Chapter Seven – Dream Weaver
Chapter Eight – Zoe wants more
Chapter Nine – Sailing to Brighton
Dean 19 – Now 38 and telling the story
Sue 18 – Dean’s ex wife in Northampton
Linda 21 – Sue’s slutty hooker friend
Zoe 18 – Dean’s new receptionist
Liz 34 – Dean’s girlfriend in Daventry
Jason 42 – Captain of Dream Weaver
Dream Weaver – Dean’s new motor Yacht
Before I get into the story, I need to explain what happened when I met my first wife some twenty odd years ago. We were both in our late teens, me being nineteen and Sue was eighteen and we were together for three years. The first couple of years were great as we were both highly sexed and to be perfectly honest, we were into everything. We’d even had a threesome with one of her slutty girl friends that used to come round for a smoke or we’d often all go out together down the pub. Then one night while all three of us were playing and shagging in my old Ford Granada, we ended up having group sex with some old doggers.
Linda was a few years older than Sue at twenty one and I later found out she was working as a street hooker. Very attractive being half Chinese, with long straight black hair, slim and sexy with a butt to die for but almost flat chested with very small breasts. Sue was also slim and sexy but had short blond hair and bigger breasts.
Chapter 1
How it all began
So, after about a year of being together, I ended up buying an old camper-van that we travelled around the country in for about a year. Me working on building sites and Sue would find a part time job or stay in the van watching TV most of the time. The problem was, she was a big spender and it didn’t matter if I gave her £20 or £200, she’d spend it all and still be asking for more the next day.
We eventually ended up back in our home town of Northampton as the camper-van needed major work on the engine and gearbox and I sold it for a huge loss. We moved into a small flat and both found jobs until I found out that Sue was really going out with her old friend Linda again and working as a hooker! I wasn’t happy as you can imagine and after a huge argument, we split up and she moved in with Linda. The other reason was, that she was earning more in a day than I could earn in a week on the building sites but spending it all on expensive designer clothes, new hair styles and makeup like I couldn’t believe. To start a new life, I moved down to Ealing in North London and basically never saw or heard from her again.
Fast forward eighteen years and I’d moved to Daventry, a few miles from Northampton where I was born and set up my own very successful prestige cars sales pitch. I’d also had several long term relationships but was currently living alone and dating Liz who was my current girlfriend. Quite well off financially, I also owned eight houses that were being rented out and living in a five bedroomed, executive style detached house with an indoor pool and a couple of acres of grounds.
So, life was good and money was flowing in like a river. Then one day my receptionist at the car sales showroom got married and said she was leaving. It was no big deal as she hadn’t been there very long and I simply ran an advert in the local newspaper. That’s when I met Zoe for the first time. She answered the Ad and came along for an interview. Small and petite with long dark hair, spoke well and had a really nice personality. I basically hired her on the spot and told her she could start on Monday morning.
The other thing to mention here, is that my girlfriend Liz was extremely jealous and demanding. Liz was also quite well off after divorcing her cheating husband and we’d been seeing each other for a few months.
Zoe was a little gem and soon up to speed on how the car sales business worked, even showing customers the cars when I was at the auction or not around. Then one day she rang me to say she couldn’t come to work that day as she was sick. I didn’t believe her as she sounded quite upset and almost crying when talking to me on the phone so I told her no problem and she could take the day off.
The following day she turned up as normal and while we were having a little chat, she burst into tears. I knew something was seriously wrong and tried to get her to open up but she said she couldn’t talk about it. About an hour later, my girlfriend Liz turned up and started having a go at Zoe for not saying hello and ignoring her. I tried to calm her down by saying she wasn’t well and had problems at home but Liz stormed off, shouting that Zoe was a stupid little bitch. That really annoyed me and I had to chase after her to give her a serious talking to. It didn’t end well and I basically told her to leave Zoe alone and she drove off in a really bad mood.
Zoe was sobbing her heart out in the office and when I tried to console her, she said she wasn’t feeling up to talking to customers and she’d understand if I wanted to find someone else for her job. It was obvious she had major issues at home, so I told her no problem and because I was also well pissed off with Liz, closed the showroom and said to Jasmine,
“Come on, I’ll drop you home and you can take the day off. I’m off to the auction in London, so let’s see how you feel tomorrow.”
“Can I come with you to the auction please? I don’t want to go home,” she said, looking at me with big sad eyes.
“Of course, but I thought you wanted to go home! Is that the problem then, you’re having problems at home…?”
Nodding her head, I gave her a comforting hug and told her to grab her phone and jump in the car. Now at the time I was driving a nice Aston Martin DB 10 and on the way down the motorway, I got her to tell me what was upsetting her so much at home. It turned out that her mother’s boyfriend was coming onto her all the time and she wanted to move out but didn’t have enough money for a room or flat. Asking her if she’d told her mother? Zoe said she couldn’t as her mother was a slut and always sleeping with different men and the current boyfriend that was abusing her, told her that if she said anything, he’d tell her mother that Zoe was coming on to him.
“So, has he actually touched you then…?”
“He waits until she’s asleep and then comes into my room.”
“So what does he do…?”
“He touches me under the covers and you know…!”
“So he hasn’t tried to fuck you then…?”
“Yes he does but I fend him off and wank his cock to make him go away.”
“Wow, so how long has this been going on then…?”
“About two months,” she said and started sobbing again.
I could tell she was in a really bad place and told her,
“Listen Zoe, I want to help you and have several other properties but they are all two and three bed houses and too expensive for a single girl to rent but if you’re desperate, you can stay at my place until you sort yourself out. It’s detached and has five bedrooms so there’s plenty of room and if you don’t mind doing some housework and cleaning, you can stay for free.”
“Really….! Oh My God.. can I really…?”
“Of course, but no drugs or wild parties, unless I’m invited as well,” I joked.
Zoe was so happy and even I was kind of excited as Liz was becoming a real pain in the arse and I actually enjoyed going into the office to see Zoe. Not only was she very good on the phone and with customers at the showroom, she was a sexy little thing and truth be told, I was quite attracted to her. The main issue being that she was only eighteen and I was thirty eight. We continued chatting about her life at home and I discovered that she’d even been to college for a couple of years and was also very good at computers. She’d had a few boyfriends but nothing serious and when I asked her if she was still a virgin? She said she was but had borrowed her mum’s vibrator and accidentally pierced her hymen. I don’t know why she told me that but she was definitely more at ease and I suppose she began trusting me. The rest of the journey was spent discussing Liz and my other relationships and then we arrived at the car auctions.
Zoe was a fast learner and even commented that we could easily make a grand or two on the three cars I bid on and won. The cars were to be delivered the following day by car transporter, so after sorting out all the paperwork, we jumped back in the car and headed back to Daventry.
“So, I suppose you’ll want to see the house and see how much work is involved keeping it clean and tidy before you move in,” I said.
“When can I move in then…?” She asked all excitedly.
“Anytime you want but what about your mother, she’s not going to be very happy but I could come and explain that you’ll be OK and have your own room and not sleeping on the streets.”
“She doesn’t care about me, all she cares about is getting drunk and sleeping around. I wanted to move out two years ago but I couldn’t earn enough money to rent a room.”
“What about all your stuff, you’re not a hoarder I hope…?”
“No, I’m quite clean actually and only have my clothes and laptop.”
Fate Or Coincidence: Erotic seduction old and young